Caregiver Tips,  Health & Wellness

Falls: Tips to help a loved one

Each year, 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 fall. 30-50% of falls result in injuries including minor cuts, bruises, fractures, head injuries and even death. It is estimated that fall injuries costs nearly $50 billion a year, as a large percentage of people who fall are hospitalized and discharged to a nursing facility.

So, what causes people to fall? Disorientation/confusion, medication side effects, liquid on the floor, missed step, poor lighting, weakness, dizziness, trips on cords or other items on the floor, and possibly patient attempts to get up/transfer without assistance. Falls can happen privately or even right in front of a caregiver. They can happen very fast or what seems like in slow motion.

Let’s talk accident & prevention. An accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Prevention is the action of stopping something from happening or arising. Here are a few helpful tips to help prevent accidental falls:

  1. Being aware of your surroundings and or taking the extra effort to prevent and accident can save: time, money, injury, and the possible life changing consequences of a fall.
  2. Take care of yourself too! Get help with transfers, lifts, showers or any time that you think a situation is going to be too heavy or complicated.
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